Monday, April 4, 2011

Specialty Beer News - Monday, March 4, 2011

Business is brewin' as craft beer companies see rise in sales and popularity
Wausau Daily Herald
Now 29 and living in Wausau, Johnson sat Wednesday evening at the long, wooden bar inside Red Eye Brewing Co., one of Wausau's three craft-beer breweries. There, he enjoyed a Belgian wheat-style beer, savoring the local flavor flowing from his pint ...

The Weekly Brew; Big beer goes small
UConn Daily Campus
One can surmise from the incredible interconnectedness of the craft beer community that if the Goose Island beers were to be produced elsewhere and quality did begin to drop, that there would be an immediate backlash. Along with this purchase, ...

EarthTalk: Plenty of organic beers available
Arizona Daily Sun
DEAR EARTHTALK: I see more and more organic wines on store shelves these days, but what options are out there today for organic beer? Some 80 million Americans drink beer, yet organic beer represents still only a sliver of the $7 billion US craft beer ...

John Clayton's In the City: Bedford native brews a winner
The Union Leader
It's a beer with great body and balance, but just as importantly, the beer's back-story has a ton of local flavor. It comes in the person of Jeff Glassman. Jeff, a Bedford native, is the president and co-founder of Fire Island Beer. It's a craft beer ...

DIY drink projects: From making your own bitters to homebrewing
Creative Loafing Tampa (blog)
With the rise in popularity of the art of mixology and homebrewing, many cocktail and beer enthusiasts are wanting to concoct their own spirits and craft beers. But where and how does one begin? Luckily, The Daily Meal has put together this list of ...

Creative Loafing Tampa (blog)
Smashbomb beer too violent for Ontario
Toronto Sun
Especially when I travel to the US and am faced with an entire wall of unique, reasonably priced craft-brewed beer," one fan wrote on Facebook. The brew, a hoppy India pale ale, has been a smash hit on tap at London, Ont.'s Morrisey House, ...

Microlender Focuses on Hospitality Businesses
New York Times
Mr. Koch was inspired both by his difficulties raising capital for a craft beer company 27 years ago — back when the idea of a microbrewery “was a little bit crazy, and you just could not get a loan” — and his frustration with standard corporate ..